Michael Hill
Consultant Architect

He ran the Practice’s Mayfair office during the 80’s and 90’s, a time when London really felt like the greatest city in the world. Michael now works for Louis de Soissons on a consultancy basis.
E: mike@louisdesoissons.com
T: 01438 833003
Michael most enjoys working with clients on the planning aspects of residential and mixed use schemes, particularly those with a conservation or Listed Building involvement and has built up considerable expertise in this field.
Personal Specialism / Skills
• Sound knowledge of the planning process & conservation.
• Sound knowledge of the development process.
• Vast experience in conversion/refurbishment projects.
• Detailed technical knowledge.
Mike has worked on many significant projects including the design and construction of an eight storey residential block, built in the newly established Cultural Quarter of Stratford, East London years before this area became the contemporary focus of the Olympic Park. Built above the active service yard, this was the last part of the major refurbishment of a vast vacant 1950’s department store in to a high tech communications facility. It established an architectural identity for the successful residential and cultural redevelopment of this then gritty area.
Mike’s experience within the residential sector is extensive and he is renowned for or his work on extending many of the original Louis de Soissons designed houses in Welwyn Garden City, to suit a more contemporary lifestyle. He has a portfolio of working on listed buildings, conservation areas and working alongside Historic England.
If you wish to contact Mike to discuss how he and the team at Louis de Soissons can assist with your project please email him on mike@louisdesoissons.com